BET Removes Ban of Killer Mike’s “Burn” Video

Original Story Score one for Twitter. Recently it was announced over the social networking site that Killer Mike’s controversial video for “Burn”—a politically and socially charged banger off his new album PL3DGE—was banned from BET, due to what Mike told XXL, was too much violent imagery. But we learned today (July 19), that the network has changed its mind, after seeing the reaction from his fans online.

“BET always listens to its audience,” a rep for the station told”Thanks to the power of Twitter, BET has reassessed Killer Mike’s ‘Burn’ video and has decided to accept the video for BET Networks. If we decide to air the video on 106 & Park, we will have a conversation and discuss the issues presented in the video.”
After finding out the new development, XXL quickly dialed up Mike to deliver the good news and, as expected, he was beyond excited. “Thank all my Twitter supporters,” he screamed into the phone, “because literally they went ham on BET.”

Asked to explain the motivation behind the impassioned song, Mike explained: “I wrote that song on the behalf of young Black men who are poor and disenfranchised, who have doubled the unemployment rate. I wrote it for people that are being abused by banking and finance companies, people that are being abused by the church and stolen from, I wrote it on the behalf of Oscar Grant who was murdered by police men who didn’t even serve a full year.”

And now he won’t just be preaching to the choir.
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