Uncle Luke Loses Miami Mayoral Election

Original Story After much ado, Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell lost the Miami Mayoral Election with just over 11 percent (20,663) of the votes, coming in fourth place in the race.

Former Hialeah mayor Julio Robaina, who was the top voter with 33.66 percent, and former country commissioner Carlos Gimenez, with 28.83 percent, will be heading the election for Miami-Dade’s next mayor instead, reports the Miami New Times. Another runoff will take place on June 28.

In his latest post for his column in the MIA newspaper , while addressing political reporter Michael Putney, who questioned Campbell’s chances at winning, Uncle Luke said he’d proven that he “can’t be taken lightly in a countrywide election. With less than $10,000 in campaign contributions, a small band of hard-working, unpaid volunteers, and the power of the alternative press, we put a real scare into the political machines that control our local elections. We showed them that a candidate who is not beholden to special interests can be taken seriously.”

Luke concluded his entry by adding that he “will continue to be a voice for the disenfranchised whether I’m the mayor, a columnist, or a high school football coach.”
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